the resort shows have started (in case you missed chanel’s extravaganza in cuba, vuitton in rio, and dior and gucci in england). while many of these are great for the spectacle, how about showing me some real clothes? protagonist has got you covered. new(ish, since fall) designer georgia lazarro has injected more color and more ladylike cues since taking over—no doubt learned at her years at calvin klein and narciso rodriguez, two minimalist scions. i love how clean it is with hints of 80s structure and 90s fluidity mixed with subtle patterns and bold color.
and speaking of protagonist, the new york times did a great feature on assembled brands, the parent company of the brand, started by vanessa traina and andrew pritzker. also under their umbrella? traina’s impossibly chic the line as well her new fashion venture khaite (from former gap alum catherine holstein). their goal? build a stable of american brands from the ground up using slow, steady growth rather than the buy companies model of lvmh and kering. it’s an interesting idea, and one i’ll be interested to see come to life.
pre-shop the protagonist collection now at moda operandi.
photos via vogue