May 14, 2008

go ali go.


ali michael is not one of my favorite models, but i applaud her for speaking out about her recent battle with an eating disorder this morning on the today show and in an exclusive article in teen vogue. at the fall collections in paris, ali was cut from some major shows because she had gained five pounds. she talked about only eating oatmeal, grapes and lettuce last september and that she stopped getting her period and her hair was falling out.

so many models suffer in silence about their eating disorders, not saying anything to their agents, friends, or parents. ali is not only getting help from her family, but is speaking out to the media, something no one else in recent memory has done while they were an active, working model. my only beef is why didn’t ann curry ask amy astley about her magazine’s role in contributing to girls’ unhealthy self-image. i don’t see teen vogue featuring any models over a size 2.

check out ali’s appearance on this morning’s today show, and read her story in the june/july issue of teen vogue, on newsstands may 20.

ali backstage at f/w 08.09 phillip lim from