it seems every time you turn around, a designer is raising prices of their accessories, as it recently happened (again) with celine and chanel. i’m all for good craftsmanship and paying for high quality, but there also has to be some handbags made of high-end materials at a lower pricepoint—that also aren’t seen on the arm of every women. enter sang a, a line of bags and small leather goods designed by sang a im-propp. propp started her line in 2006 with a focus on exotic skins, beautiful textures, and interesting functionality. some bags convert from a tote to a backpack, while others like the mask, can be worn as a bandanna or wristlet, or use the chain that comes with it and wear it cross body. for fall, styles again focused on function with a bit of whimsy—snakeskin was treated to have a marbled tone, totes in leather had a hand-drawn pattern of lines and arrows (a sang a signature) with tubing handles, and mirrored leather was handwritten with fun messages and diary entries.
sang a bags (facebook) are available now at kirna zabete, curve, sigerson morrison, and scoop in new york, and curve in california. find more stores here.