July 28, 2009

sensory overload.

the glossies



vogue paris has a habit of staging epic studio editorials. they did twice in 2005 (both shot by david sims), and they have devoted entire issues to one model (lara stone) and one photographer. for the august issue, they turned the reins over to perennial favorites inez van lamsweerde and vinoodh matadin and let them loose over 65 pages–a different designer on each–styled by carine roitfeld, joe mckenna, and emmanuelle alt. the model lineup has i&v regulars like daria werbowy (who looks fetching on the cover in burberry), raquel zimmerman, malgosia bela, anja rubik, and lily donaldson mixed with newer faces sessilee lopez, kamila filipcikova, lara stone, dree hemingway and ranya mordanova. the good: the mix of the models, the energy in a studio ed, and the variety of designers. the bad: there’s tommy hilfiger but no lacroix?















scans by angel lover at thefashionspot