May 7, 2007

first tim gunn, now this.


a look from narciso rodriguez s/s 2007

wwd and the nytimes are reporting that liz claiborne is buying narciso rodriguez for $12 million, a seemingly small price, but large in that rodriguez will still own a 50% stake in his company. he will remain creative director and have complete creative control, while having the network of manufacturers to add elements that help designers really make money, like accessories.

even though his last few collections were critically acclaimed, the designer was making no money and getting no support from aeffe, his italian manufacturer. he called his friends in fashion, anna wintour, ralph lauren, donna karan, and those outside of fashion (like jerry and jessica seinfeld) for help. it was wintour who put him in touch with executives at claiborne, and gail zauder, an investment banker who negotatied karan’s sale to lvmh, agreed to help him find a deal fee-free.

now, with new life, i can’t wait to see what narciso does. he’s always been one of my favorite designers for dressing women in a way that’s smart yet sexy and now he’ll have the financial backing to really soar.