policies / collaborate
all content was created by Kimara Mitchell solely for the use on j’adore couture. Creative direction and opinions are always my own. You are welcome to share posts and images, as long as credit is given. At times, I will feature images that do not belong to me. I do my very best to give credit where credit is due, however, if there is ever an image that is unintentionally and incorrectly linked to its origin, please email jadorecoutureblog@gmail.com and it will be updated immediately.
j’adore couture is an affiliate ad supported site, meaning if you click on a link and purchase something based on my recommendation, i may be paid an affiliate commission. although i am compensated through these links, you will only see products on j’adore couture that i would actually purchase or use myself. Whenever and wherever a company has paid to be featured on this site, a note identifying the content as sponsored will appear either in the post title, within the post itself, or at the end of the post content. I will always disclose when something was given to me for free, or when I was paid to write about it.
collaborate with j’adore couture
j’adore couture collaborates with select brands and accepts forms of sponsorships, paid insertions and/or other forms of compensation. i love teaming up with like-minded brands/companies to collaborate on all things style related. However, these posts will be written in my own words, using my own photography (where possible), and reflect my own opinion(s).
all products/brands must be those that align with j’adore couture and its readers. gifted product is not guaranteed to appear on the site. for more information or to see a media kit, please contact us.