September 11, 2012

the new look: breakfast at tiffany.

#NYFW the new look Uncategorized

last thursday was a dream as i had breakfast with some of the editors of lucky magazine at the tiffany salon. the salon is a private suite inside the tiffany & co. flagship where clients can get custom pieces or jewelry for a red carpet event. it’s where tiffany designers like louis c. tiffany and jean schlumberger worked and where many iconic tiffany were developed. i had the chance to try on some jewels (like a 11.1 flawless square cut emerald diamond ring, above) while noshing on maple sugar glazed bacon, mini quiches, pastries, and mimosas. afterwards, the editors took us to some of their favorite new york stores, where we (window) shopped and talked. it was a truly amazing experience and it was wonderful to meet so many inspiring bloggers and editors (like alexis bryan morgan) in a more intimate setting.

rodarte t-shirt (similar), asos skirt, alexander wang shoes (newer version), club monaco sunglasses, celine bag, elizabeth cole necklace, iosselliani ring (love this one too)